“When Joseph speaks, everyone is silent”. Since the publication of his autobiography 400 letters from my mother (2011), Joseph Oubelkas (1980) has given readings in the Netherlands and abroad. He shares his inspiring story about his wrongful imprisonment in Morocco in the hope that it has meaning to other people. His message: "Your destiny is in your own hands. Whatever comes your way, you decide how you deal with it." A great speaker with a huge impact who gives audiences plenty of food for thought.
“When Joseph speaks, everyone is silent”. Since the publication of his autobiography 400 letters from my mother (2011), Joseph Oubelkas (1980) has given readings in the Netherlands and abroad. He shares his inspiring story about his wrongful imprisonment in Morocco in the hope that it has meaning to other people. His message: "Your destiny is in your own hands. Whatever comes your way, you decide how you deal with it." A great speaker with a huge impact who gives audiences plenty of food for thought.

Speaker with an inspirational story
At the end of 2004, the then 24-year-old Joseph Oubelkas became involved in a bizarre event for no reason whatsoever. During a business trip to Morocco, he is arrested for drug trafficking and sentenced to 10 years in prison with no proof or investigation. After 4.5 years of imprisonment as an innocent man, he is released. He decides to use his story to help others.
Joseph takes you on a journey through the hard life in filthy, overcrowded Moroccan prisons. How does he deal with his sorrow, anger and frustration? How does he keep going in such appalling circumstances? Where does he find the motivation to make the most of it? The lessons he learned back then are now enriching his life. Joseph would like to share the richness of his life with everyone.

You were unforgettable! Your story was impressive. I have received many compliments about you. Last year, we had Hans van Breukelen and he was a hard act to follow. I just don't know whether we can do it again next year.
Karen Jansen | organizer Utrecht entrepreneurs day

I heard a colleague say today that he was going to buy your book because he was so inspired. Thanks again for being here!
Cindy de Kok | Senior Advisor Talent Management & Management Development bij Eneco Groep
Relating to current themes
Joseph Oubelkas tailors the content of his readings to the organization, the audience and the purpose of the gathering. He adapts to any audience, regardless of age, background and education. His readings for the business community, health care, government, education, sports and many other sectors fit in perfectly with common themes, such as:
- stimulating personal leadership
- dealing with change and uncertainty
- coping with crises and setbacks
Joseph draws parallels between his own experiences and the challenges faced by people in your organization. He zooms in on focus, freedom of choice and determination, and shows how indispensable mental strength is in every aspect of life: in study, sport, work and entrepreneurship, in love, freedom and health.









Watch videos of live readings
With 160 to 170 appearances per year, Joseph has already touched, inspired and motivated tens of thousands of people.
The videos below provide an impression of his personality, speaking style and interaction with the audience.

You were even better than I'd hoped: wonderful!
Bas van der Veldt | CEO AFAS Software

Incredibly inspirational reading by Joseph Oubelkas, author of '400 letters from my mother'. First class!
Nicolette van Dam | Presenter
Book an inspiring reading
Are you looking for a speaker who unleashes something in people and gets them thinking? One that makes them realize that they always have a choice, can decide for themselves how to deal with a situation and are the source of their own happiness and success?
Invite Joseph Oubelkas:
- average reading duration of one hour
- including visual support
- also international readings
- in Dutch, English and French
Why invite Joseph Oubelkas?
- talented speaker with an instinctive feel
- energetic, profound and humorous
- tailor-made lectures of predetermined duration
- the audience will be in total awe
- creates interaction with the audience
- establishes interconnections
- adds value to meetings

The following types of organization have preceded you:
Business community
Microsoft Europe, AFAS Software, Centric, Intergamma, Swarowski, NS, Akzo Nobel, Rabobank Nederland, ASR, Biohorma, Stork, ABN AMRO Bank, TMG, Delta Lloyd, NIBC Bank, TBI, Lovense & Loeff, DELA verzekeringen, MaetisArdyn, ING Bank, Achmea, Equens, Manpower, Damen Shipyards, NykampNyboer, Koninklijke Horeca Nederland, NH Hotelles, GE Healthcare, Sanofi, EFS, Dimension, Data, Oxfam Novib, Waternet, Kimberly Clark, Arpa, Shell, Numac, Wijzonol, Strukton, Interactive Intelligence, DLL Group, ICI Paris XL, Canon, KPMG, Coca-cola, Obvion, Schwarzkopf, PwC, Ricoh, American Express, ANVR, Vopak
Sports, events and foundations
PSV Eredivisieclub, AZ Eredivisieclub, VVV Venlo, 20e Nationaal Kwaliteitscongres, Associatie Jeugdzorg, Stichting Streetcornerwork, Go Beyond MBA, Utrechtse Ondernemersdag, Big Improvement Day, Secretary Power Class
De Rechtspraak, Openbaar Ministerie, UWV, Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken, Kadaster, Politie NL, Gemeente Amsterdam, Gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch, Gemeente Nieuwegein, Gemeente Noordoostpolder, Gemeente Veenendaal, Gemeente Maastricht, Provincie Drenthe, Ministerie van Defensie, Gemeente Almere, Gemeente Rotterdam, Belastingdienst, Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen
Education and care
Avans Hogeschool, UMCG, TIO University, ROC Twente, Fontys Hogeschool, Zuyd Hogeschool, Erasmus Universiteit, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Hogeschool Rotterdam, ROC, Saxion Hogeschool, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, ROC De Leijgraaf, ROC Mondriaan, ROC van Amsterdam, ROC Tilburg, ROC van Flevoland, Koning Willem I College, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Albert Schweizer Ziekenhuis
Audience reactions to private readings